This is an incredible description . Thank you for being there and for continuing to document it for us here and on instagram.

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Soul shattering. Every Israeli was exposed to these videos at some extent… some even saw them (and more) in real time but the truth is- 28 days later and I still cannot find words to describe what I feel. Its surreal that we need to say it in the context of such a demonic massacre- but thank you for standing with us, Lee.

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I am caught been tears and murderous rage. There can be no justification for this.

The pathetic children in our universities have no understanding or empathy for anyone in their privileged little bubbles, desensitised to the pain of the world watching it all through the filter of their screens. Nothing is real to them

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This is soul crushing. Thank you for telling their story. They will never be forgotten.

לא נשכח. לא נסלח

עם ישראל חי


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I am sickened at reading this. The level of barbarity and depravity is beyond comprehension, and yet this is what tens of thousands in the West are not only defending, they are CELEBRATING.

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I’m both so sorry and so grateful you came. For multiple reasons I haven’t watched any videos yet. I feel like you’ve taken a grenade for me

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Thank you for bearing witness to these horrifying acts. Your descriptions are intense but I can see how you almost stepped out of yourself in order to cope and write notes. I hope that you are okay. I am crushed from just reading your words. I cannot imagine seeing it myself.

While you are in Israel find a nice Jewish girl and make some babies. We need more people like you. Thanks for being you during this horrible time in our people’s history.

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Thank you, Lee. The worst things we see never leave us so this will a terrible burden to you always and your strength in taking on its necessity is truly awesome. I have so much respect for what you have done and how you have communicated it to us. Thank you.

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They not only said the name of their god - they boasted that he is greater than any other god. That is the full meaning of the chant. They did this to assert their god's superiority.

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023

It just occurred to me that in many of the terrorist-recorded photos I’ve seen of kidnapped women and girls they are wrapped up in blankets. Because the baby-beheading and grandma- raping warriors were so sensitive and God-fearing they didn’t want to expose their Gazan viewers to stripped/immodestly dressed females?!?!?

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Thank you for so bravely sharing this piece. It was gut wrenching on so many levels.

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Thank you, Lee, for your tireless commitment to עם ישראל and for coming here to show solidarity. You are true Lion of Judah and give us strength💪🏻🇮🇱. Amen to all of the comments above. I also encourage everyone to visit this incredibly important site: https://oct7map.com/

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My head, my eyes, my stomach, my soul churn in pain reading this. My anger is beyond pain. I will never forget. Never forget! Thank you for bearing witness.

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I have read your writing about watching the 47 minutes footage ,3 times. I didn't watch the whole footage although a part of me wants to. Some of the horrific images are known to me, as I was sadly expossed to them, like most of us.

I remember that many times I wanted to cover my eyes while watching, and although partcialy I did so, I absorbed the horrifying images.

I remember somebody cutting a head of a boy who was wearing a yellow vest, and me praying " I hope he is dead and not feeling anything ". Houses floor with thick blood smear, dead children in their own blood, babies beheaded. Hands tied with electric cable,

A footage of shooting a dog. People in the back of car seat burnt, turned to charcoal. Naama Levi abducted to Gaza, her bloody pants. Hearing about little girls being raped. Thinking of so many people diying a horrifying death. It is if hell opened his gate and monsters came out rejoicing murdering abusing the alive and the disrespecting the dead and all within hours.

I remember the testimony of the morgue doctors in Shura camp, who had to deal with hundreds of bodies at once. Describing broken pelvic bones, gunshots to the genitals.

I remeber myself in the first week after October 7th, horrified, confused, can't go to sleep, and sad when I woke up. Not being able to be comfort by anything. Literally having a Shiva. I rembebred myself very dipressed, and literally sweating ocationlly from panic.

I remeber the first time you came to Israel, and when you said on IG that you are going back. I was thinking "Don't go, don't leave us here alone". I was that much in panic.

I hope I will be able to watch this footage at some point, It will be hard to watch, but I feel like I owe it to those who their life taken.

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The horror

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No better account has been written. You are essential to our fight. This is your career now.

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