Jeremy Corbyn is a discredited politician and notorious antisemite. Despite this, extremists who succumbed to his cult continue to support him. Where does their support manifest itself? Not in Britain’s political system. Corbyn’s racist movement was rejected by the public in two elections. Fundamentalists who support the millionaire socialist continue to do so in the one place where they believe they still have clout: online.
It’s sad but true. Like gangs of hyenas and jackals they fight over scraps of attention and pounce on anyone they think they can isolate and who they perceive to be weak or vulnerable. Jews are obviously their choice target. There is no one they like to harass more than Jews. They like to paw and claw at Jews. They like to tell Jews who and what they are. They like to tell Jews what is and isn’t antisemitism. They like to abuse Jews who speak about bigotry they experience. They like to accuse Jews themselves of being antisemites. They like to tokenise extremist Jews that are fundamentalists like them and exploit them to attack Jews at large.
In short, unencumbered with the responsibility of trying to win elections anymore, Corbynites bully, harass and behave in the same repulsive manner that caused the electorate to recoil from them twice.
I know this can be an upsetting experience for Jews. The words and actions of Corbynites can get under your skin. Their behaviour is cruel, vindictive and expertly calibrated to wound.
But I say this to Jews: there is not an ounce of value in the opinion of people who support Jeremy Corbyn. Jeremy Corbyn is the spiritual heir of Oswald Mosely in his abrasive engagement with Jews. He is a liar and a phoney. He is a friend to Islamic fundamentalist terrorists that want to exterminate every Jew on earth. He laid a wreath and prayed at the grave of Black September terrorists who castrated and murdered Jews at the Munich Olympics. He championed a man who writes poetry describing Jews as germs. He is an antisemite that sides with those who want to kill us. The opinion of anyone who supports this man means nothing. There is no value to anything they say. They are the moral sewer of British society. No Jew should ever allow any negative feelings to enter their heart if they find themselves targeted by these people or any other racists.
I appreciate bullying can have an effect on those who experience it though. It can feel overwhelming and intensely vindictive when it is happening. Sadly, being attacked is a vocational hazard of being a proud Jew who stands against antisemites. I don’t know what else to tell you. The toxicity they throw at you IS the means and the end to them. They want to silence you. They want to shut you up. They want Jews out of the picture. And to be quite frank, in all likelihood, they want you to kill yourself. I mean that literally. They support those who kill us. They have zero to say about innocent Jewish victims of terrorism. They don’t care if you or your Jewish family die. Their world would be easier if Jews didn’t exist and they are enraged when we refuse to disappear. These are the people we’re dealing with and you should not let their toxic energy rattle your emotional well-being. Fake bots, sock accounts, mass pile ons, blue tick accounts who direct abuse your way, Israel haters, and a tiny vocal fringe of hard left extremists who weaponise a Jewish identity in order to launder antisemitism. They will all try to make your life miserable in the hope that you disappear.
Like many of you I’ve experienced the above. In addition I’ve experienced four years of racial harassment from an anomymous Jeremy Corbyn fanatic who targeted me through my website. I tracked down and exposed the identity of this Corbynite troll - Nicholas Nelson of Cambridgeshire - and now he’s in prison. You can read the full story here and see what the man behind the antisemitic death threats looks like.
But before you do that I want to leave you with one paragraph that will hopefully put antisemitic trolls into perspective and help minimise any effect they have on you. This applies to all kinds of trolls. Perhaps you are experiencing a torrent of abuse for some other reason.
Whatever the case, this is what you must always remember:
They are trolls. They try to put a coat hanger in your heart and jiggle it about. Making you feel awful is their goal. There is no honesty or truth to anything they say and their intentions are dishonest. They want to bully you and make you feel shit. Everything they say is a lie. They will say whatever can cause you most distress and mental disarray in any given moment. This means they will happily contradict themselves if it means they can put you under pressure. Should you be silly enough to engage with them and deal with something they say, it doesn’t matter, they will simply move the goal posts and bring up some other fake calumny to attack you with. Everything they say is an evil illusion designed to get under your skin. They camouflage themselves as good. They exploit moral values you hold dear and manipulate words that have importance to you. They use these as weapons against you so that you’ll doubt yourself and think perhaps you have fallen short and deserve some remonstration? But it’s all a lie. They’re like the demon in a horror film that comes to a grieving person in the guise of the person they have lost in order to get them to give up their soul in some way. But when you realise they’re an illusion their horrible ghoulish face reveals itself and they can sod off back to hell. Reject any negative feeling they give you. There’s not an ounce of value in the “opinions” of a troll. Every moral posture they make is fraudulent. Don’t ever take anything they say to heart. They want to erase you from public life by inflicting pain, shame and self-doubt. They want to stop you feeling proud to be you. What a tragedy it would be if they made you scared to be yourself? But overcoming fear and standing up for what is right is something you can practise. It gets easier through habit. The illusion of power the trolls hold over you will disappear. Cast off any emotional hold the hateful possess. By doing so you’ll feel empowered and positively transform your inner and outer world. It’s really worth it. There’s no other way to live. Don’t let liars and bastards and bigots engaged in a bad faith game demoralise you. Don’t let them stop you from actualising yourself and living in synch with your true voice and your one of a kind, shining soul.
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