Below is the speech I gave at a tiny, spirited protest of Jews - and their allies - who faced off a vast, snarling, swarm of pro-Hamas racists marching through London.
"There are a million things we’d rather do. .....We are Jews and we wanna do good shit. We want to make advances in art, science and medicine for the good that it brings and for the joy of simply enriching our knowledge of this world."
Partners in peace, humanists, will want to do the same good shit.
Those guided by dark evil have no similar aspiration.
I love that you spare no expletive when you speak of our enemies, our tormentors! I love that you say we don't want any part of this killing! Not us, not them!
Lee - what a brilliant narrative.
Thank you Lee , you are a true inspiration and keep us all lifted when are hearts are so heavy 🙏🏻
Kol hakavod Lee!
Inspirational! Thanks!!
"But you can’t shake hands with someone who’s trying to punch you in the face."
No one who is firmly tethered to reality would ever try. And a deaf ear is our gift to all those who keep telling us we should.
Wonderful Lee, thank you and amen 🙏
"There are a million things we’d rather do. .....We are Jews and we wanna do good shit. We want to make advances in art, science and medicine for the good that it brings and for the joy of simply enriching our knowledge of this world."
Partners in peace, humanists, will want to do the same good shit.
Those guided by dark evil have no similar aspiration.
I love that you spare no expletive when you speak of our enemies, our tormentors! I love that you say we don't want any part of this killing! Not us, not them!
But, if it comes to it, better them than us!